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Salt Therapy

Salt Therapy is a powerful treatment for adults and children. It is well-known for healing effect on respiratory system conditions.

Massages It is well-known that massage is very useful and pleasant way of healing and relaxation. To gain the optimal balance of an organism therapeutic massage fixes various problems. It relieves general muscular stress, headaches, pain in the back, low blood circulation and reduces stress level.
Tourmanium Therapy
The NDT Research Center is engaged in research and development of NDT tourmanium ceramics. It is the patented material of Nuga Medical and is created together with Fraunhofer Society, the leading world research institute of ceramics. NDT tourmanium ceramics enhance the thermal effect of negative ions and far-infrared rays.
Salt Therapy
Salt Therapy is a powerful treatment for adults and children. It is well-known for healing effect on respiratory system conditions.