The mobility of your neck allows you to move your head in a variety of directions. However, your neck’s mobility also makes it vulnerable to injuries, like the rapid back and forth motion that causes whiplash. Jason Nguyen, DC, and the experienced team at Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa in Citrus Heights, California, specializes in the treatment of whiplash for adults and children and uses noninvasive therapies to alleviate pain and promote healing. For relief from your whiplash pain, call the office or request an appointment online today.
Whiplash Q & A
What is whiplash?
Whiplash, also referred to as neck strain or sprain, is a type of neck injury that occurs when your head is forced in a rapid back and forth motion. The forced motion of your head may injure any component in your neck, such as your spinal bones, discs, ligaments, muscles, or nerves.
Whiplash is a common rear-end car accident injury. However, you can also develop the neck condition after a sports injury or bad fall.
What are whiplash symptoms?
Your whiplash symptoms usually develop within days of the injury. Common symptoms include:
- Neck stiffness and pain
- Headache
- Pain that worsens when you move your head
- Decreased neck mobility
- Tenderness in your shoulder or upper back
- Tingling in your arms or hands
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Blurred vision
- Difficulty concentrating
- Irritability
If you developed whiplash after a car accident or sports injury, contact Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa to schedule an evaluation right away. You need an early evaluation and diagnosis to ensure you haven’t broken any bones or incurred any other serious injury. The team specializes in car accident injuries and provides care for the whole family, including adults and children.
What can I expect during a whiplash evaluation?
The team at Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa takes a holistic approach to care, and you can expect a comprehensive evaluation when you come to the office with whiplash. In addition to relieving your pain, they also want to optimize your health and wellness.
During your exam, the team reviews the cause of your whiplash and your symptoms, as well as your medical history. Then, they complete a physical examination.
How is whiplash treated?
The team at Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa creates customized treatment plans for whiplash based on the severity of your symptoms and your overall health. Your treatment plan may include:
- Chiropractic adjustments
- Massage therapy
- Salt therapy
- Nuga Medical machine therapy
- Tourmanium therapy
For your children, the team uses special equipment that adjusts to their specific needs.
Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa also has a state-of-the-art decompression table and may recommend decompression therapy if your whiplash caused herniated or bulging discs. During treatment, your spine is gently stretched at set intervals, which creates negative pressure in your spine that forces the herniation or bulging back in place. The treatment also improves circulation to the disc to promote healing and may serve as an alternative to major surgery. Whiplash is a serious injury that requires medical care. To schedule an appointment, call Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa or use the online booking tool today.