More than two thousand years ago, people discovered the curative effects of salt caves for helping those struggling with various health problems. At Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa in Citrus Heights, California, Jason Nguyen, DC, and the compassionate team take a holistic approach to health and offer many treatments to help you achieve your wellness goals, including salt therapy. To learn more about the benefits of salt therapy, call the office or request an appointment through the online tool today.
Salt Therapy Q & A
What is salt therapy?
Salt therapy, also called speleotherapy, is a form of respiratory therapy that involves breathing in sodium chloride and is considered a powerful treatment for adults and children.
During salt therapy, you sit in an enclosed room and breathe in saltenriched air. The therapeutic properties in the salt cleanse your air passages and your skin and serve as a drug-free natural alternative for the management of respiratory and skin conditions in children and adults.
At Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa, all the massage therapy rooms double as salt therapy rooms. The chiropractic practice also offers a salt therapy playroom for kids.
What are the benefits of salt therapy?
Salt therapy is a safe and effective treatment that offers many health benefits. Some of the benefits of this natural treatment include:
Improved breathing
Relief from respiratory conditions, such as sinusitis or allergies
- Improved lung function
- Reduced use of inhalers and antibiotics
- Stress relief
- Improved skin health and skin conditions
- Better blood circulation
- Relief from inflammation
- Reinforced immune system
- Better sleep
- Humidification of the lungs
- Stimulation of deep breathing
Your salt therapy at Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa may also improve your overall health and quality of life.
The team may suggest combining your salt therapy with other therapies and equipment to reduce asthma, allergies, and other respiratory conditions. For instance, your provider may combine salt therapy with chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, tourmanium therapy, or Nuga medical massage. Salt therapy may also benefit those suffering from sex disorders.
What can I expect during salt therapy?
The team at Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa develops your comprehensive wellness plan during a consultation, which includes salt therapy recommendations. The specifics of your salt therapy may depend on your overall health needs and wellness goals.
Because it takes the human body time to adapt to new conditions before the therapeutic benefits occur, the team may suggest a minimum of two hours in the salt therapy room. To get the optimal results, the team recommends a course of 15-20 treatments. Salt therapy has no harmful side effects and may be included as part of your overall health and wellness plan.
To learn more about salt therapy and how it can benefit your health and wellness, contact Kingdom Chiropractic & Spa by phone or request an appointment online today.