Multi-Function Therapy Equipment Nuga Medical N5-1
Headaches, dizziness, scapulalgia, pain in the neck, back, arms, legs, and joints are the warning signs of serious health problems. Pain is not something you should get used to, considering the fact that it gets worse from day to day. Eventually, your daily activities will turn into torture. Do not put these problems off!
The intended use of the Nuga Medical N5-1 is to provide a patient with muscle relaxation therapy by a soothing massage that has a topical heating effect.
Areas of influence and benefits:
The temporary relief of minor muscle, joint pain and stiffness.
The temporary relief of minor joint pain associated with arthritis.
The temporary increase in local circulation where applied.
The relaxation of muscles.
Immune system reinforcement.
Nuga Medical N5-1 is a unique device for a complex massage. It combines the advantages of the most effective massage techniques, including point massage and thermotherapy. The main mechanism of the tourmanium pad coincides with the effect of heat treatment, crystal healing (treatment with semiprecious stones and minerals) and iontotherapy. The mattress is covered with tourmanium ceramic plates and is equipped with electric heating. A tourmanium alloy imager is built in a massager mat. They move along the spine providing point massage and warmth with far-infrared rays. As a result, spinal muscles and ligaments relax. The five-ball imager is made of a nephrite and semiprecious stone. As it heats up, the imager gives off infrared heat that enhances immunity function and cellular activity.
Types of massages with our Nuga Medical N5-1:
Linear massage. It is used for stress relief and lassitude of spinal muscles.
Massage of the neck and back. This type of massage allows the inner imager to have an active effect on cervical and thoracic spine.
Hip and pelvic massage. The inner imager has an active effect on the lumbar and sacral spine.
Nuga Medical N5-1 is intended for treatment of spine injuries, which can set up not only pain and numbness in neck, back and waist, but also such illnesses as arrhythmia, headache, belly-ache, hypertension, sexual dysfunction, etc. Spinal osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, depressions, neurosises, arterial hypertension, stomach ulcer of a stomach, gastritises, cholecystitises, pneumonia, bronchial asthma are a far incomplete list of diseases, by which the massager can help.